Fails to meet
government guidelines for regeneration of urban
Too near M4, noise
and pollution
Too near railway,
noise and pollution
Partly flood plain,
and remainder mostly wet and boggy
Health risks of
wet area, especially infant mortality (the best
index of public health ! ) Plus pneumonia
and asthma
Loss of
recreational area for thousands in West and South
Loss of
environmental assets, especially wildlife (over
77 species including protected)
Loss of, or
prejudice to, archaeological sites (some known,
others still to be uncovered)
Wrong area for
jobs and major shopping so would cause greater
use of cars
Fails to take into
account the increases and potential increases in
jobs to the East, and reduction of jobs in the
Would cause extra
traffic gongestion in Old Town and Pipers areas
Affect views of
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty towards
coalescence with Wroughton / Wootton Bassett
Reduces canal
restoration plans for nature conservation
Leads to
destruction of hedgerows and habitats
Prevents easy
public access to e.g. Community forest
Spoils views of
Swindon from M4 and villages, and from Swindon
towards the South
Ignores the
written objections of thousands of Swindonians
during public consultations in 1998
Would require very
dense building (over 12 per acre)
Would swallow up
several farms, businesses and many fields
May not prevent
later development (after 2011 ) to the East so
why not start there sooner if necessary and thus
avoid using TWO greenfleld sites?
Should remain in
the Rural Buffer opposite the Wroughton area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty, should remain as
recreational wildlife area and become a
millennium nature park
Finally, it breaks
all promises made by Thamesdown Borough Council
that the Front Garden would NEVER be built on (many
of the Councillors now are the same ones who made
the promise then!), and fails to meet the many
promises made at all levels regarding the
protection of the environment