We thought it would be a good
idea to have a couple of polls.
Enter your vote today! Check out the new polls for
the Front Garden
? Do you think that the Front Garden should be built on?
Poll Expires: 31/12/2000
o YES, build
o NO, don't build
o NO OPINION, i don't care
? Do you think the New Football Stadium should be built
on the Front Garden as proposed by FRAG, even though they
are against building houses? Poll expires: 31/12/2000
o YES, build the football stadium
o NO, don't build the football stadium
o NO OPINION, i don't care
To vote, please visit the following web page: http://www.egroups.com/polls/FrontGarden
Or why not join in a forum discussion about the proposed Stadium on the Swindon Forum
Thanks in advance for your